Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 4 - Blog 3: Ch Technology and Teams —The Communication Imperative

Week 4 - Blog 3: Ch Technology and Teams —The Communication Imperative

I think the communication imperative answers the question as to whether or not virtual communication is real communication. People only do what is going to make the most sense when having to work in teams due to the fact that his or her team may be spread across the world or just within an office. Technology is a finite way to communicate and is imperative for an every company. Just because the communication is not face to face does not mean that it is not real. It only means that it is missing some major components to body language that help to decipher a persons demeanor when talking; although, with technology such as email, we are also able to determine tone and attitude that, for the most part, replaces the body language when speaking with someone face to face. Maximum communication and effectiveness is imperative amongst colleagues and associates, even friends. People now use technology to communicate out of necessity.


  1. I agree with you, communication that is not face to face is still real even though body language and influctions in the voice do not come into play. I think by now, society has alreay put unofficial rules and regulations on emails, text messaging and instant messaging. Sentences that are all in caps denote shouting. Excessive use of exclamation points is annoying and paragraph breaks make long pieces of writing more pleasing to the eye. At the resume workshop that I attended, we were told to steer clear of "instant messaging speak." We were told to use proper grammer, capatalizations, salutations, closings and most importantly, to leave out smiley faces. Following these simple rules would make us more professional to the HR hiring managers that had to weed through the millions of emails they receive. The last thing a job seeker wants to do is to turn off "the gatekeeper."

  2. I totally agree with you, look at how many of us are taking this class. Since we are not meeting face to face, does that mean we are not meeting? People seem to forget the power of the internet and the way we can communicate through it. Facebook is a good example of that, through a network we have the ability to communicate with friends, family, co-workers, even find and reconnect with epople that we have not seen in many years.

  3. I agree also! I put time and effort into this class and if it's not real, then why would I be doing it? Not only can people use email to communicate, but an organization could use web cam in order to see the people they are talking to, that way they can see the other person's body language. Because of all the advancement in technology, face-to-face conversations don't happen nearly as often and I still count all those talks as real talks.
