Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 2 - Blog 1: Ch 3 – Scientific Management

Blog 1: Ch 3 – Scientific Management

I chose this concept because of its pure assineign and bigotry. Being somewhat of a feminist and having worked in a male dominated setting before, selling cars, I am so glad I never had the “opportunity” to work under Frederick Taylor’s Principle’s of Scientific Management! It’s no wonder that his theory of scientific management lead to increased conflict (pg 72) because not only was his concept hierarchical without any flexibility between creativity and constraint, it was pure tyranny! He created a firm division between managers and employees which, granted, is still prevalent in the workforce today, but his division was based on those who were better suited for “thinking” and those who were better suited for “working.” He came to this conclusion by determining one’s race, background, and sex. And you know what that meant—that us women’s little brains couldn’t handle the big, big job of being a manger.

I resonate with this concept because when I was 18 years old I applied for a job to sell cars, nice ones at that, like BMW’s and Mercedes. I had gotten my salesman license and was certified, ready to sell. Anyways, I was the only female in the office and it seemed as though every time I got a lead, I was always deterred away from the customer or subjected to always getting lunch! Eventually, I figured out that they hired me simply because I was a female and I could lure a customer in by standing out in the lot and talking to them. Well, I quit that job within the first 2 weeks and told them to shove it. Next, I went and got my real estate license and sold houses, ha! My point is, while I’m sure that my car dealer employers were being overtly shovanistic, they were operating on the same concept that Frederick Taylor set in place.


  1. As a fellow female I understand the hardships you endured! It is difficult having to deal with people who consider us dumb sex objects that cannot think of anything beyond dinner and having children. Dealing with sexism has made me so much stronger and has helped me to realize that woman will always have to work harder than a man. Sometimes I feel like a woman in the workplace is part of a lose-lose situation mainly because (1) some men (not all!!!) think that we are not good enough because of our sex but (2) also women seem to think it is necessary to fight and compete with other women constantly making it nearly impossible to be a woman working for another woman! So not only do we have some men looking down on us but we also have our sisters (other women) making sure that we do not succeed. I think before we can ever get male support we need female support.

  2. That sounds like a horrible experience!The only thing that I think Frederik Taylor's concept might be beneficially applied is at the gym like the book said, and only because for those 30 minutes on the StairMaster you don't need anything but to get from 0 minutes to 30 without stopping. Also, I agree completely with what Hallie wrote. I feel like it is easier to go up against or work with a man because there is (usually) no cattiness. I can deal with someone being a jerk to my face at least that gives me the opportunity to respond, the vicious gossip and snide comments usually leave me at a loss as to how to respond.
